On Meatfare Sunday, Concerning the Second Coming of Christ: A Teaching of John Chrysostom
Brethren, the time of our salvation is near. Behold, the time of repentance draws near; behold, these are the days of purification for our souls and bodies.
Here is the fearful voice, spoken by the mouth of God, concerning the dreadful day when the righteous Judge, Christ our God, shall come from heaven to render to every man according to his deeds—to kings and princes, to the rich and the poor, to slaves and freemen, to those who oppress and those who are oppressed—establishing righteous judgment.
For our Lord God, who loves us and desires our salvation, Himself teaches us what words He shall use to question us and how we shall give an answer to Him. He has shown us all things through Himself, accepting suffering and death for our sake.
Because He loves us and wishes to make us heirs of His Kingdom, He has revealed all that is pleasing to Him for our benefit. Therefore, He has established these days of fasting, that whatever sins we have committed throughout the year, being troubled with the cares of life, we may cleanse ourselves of them in these days—laboring and fasting, drawing near to God through vigilance and prayer, washing away sins with repentance and tears, opening the gates of the Kingdom through almsgiving, maintaining peace and love among ourselves, and humbling our hearts with sighs of contrition.
As the prophet says: “Rend your hearts, and not your garments” (Joel 2:13). And again, Isaiah rebukes, saying: “Will you fast amid strife and contention? Is this the fast that I have chosen?” (Isaiah 58:4-5).
The Lord says: “Not such a fast have I chosen, but rather, loose every bond of unrighteousness, cease from murmuring, set the oppressed free, give your bread to the hungry, bring the homeless poor into your house, do not oppress, do not steal, do not envy, and hold no anger against anyone” (Isaiah 58:6-7).
If you do these things, all your petitions shall be fulfilled, and your righteousness shall shine forth in the days to come, and you shall stand joyfully before Christ when He comes in His glory with His angels. Then, before Him, every person of every age shall stand in the twinkling of an eye.
If anyone has been torn apart by wild beasts, or scattered by birds, or broken apart by fish—not a single hair from them shall be lost. Then He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats, and He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on His left.
Those on the right hand are the meek and those without malice, the merciful, the hospitable, the peacemakers, the brother-loving, those who visit the sick, the defenders of widows, and those who mourn daily over their sins.
But those on the left shall hear a terrible sentence, for they have spent their days in all manner of unrighteousness—in fornication, falsehood, slander, envy, gluttony and drunkenness, theft, wrath and condemnation, pride and arrogance, greed, hard-heartedness, and lack of mercy. Like the rich man who did not heed the teaching of righteousness and repentance, but instead wasted his life in revelry, drinking, and fornication—therefore, he was condemned to stand on the left, for being unmerciful and hard-hearted. And thus, their sentence shall be dreadful.
To the righteous, standing at His right hand, the King shall say:
“Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Come, ye children of light and heirs of My Kingdom. Come, receive the Kingdom prepared for you. For I was hungry, and you fed Me; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was naked, and you clothed Me,” and all else that you have heard in the Gospel, you have fulfilled.
But to those standing on the left, the King shall say:
“Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Depart from Me, ye merciless ones, for you showed no mercy to Me, and so I shall show no mercy to you. Depart, and receive that which you have prepared for yourselves, for you have neglected My salvation. Just as you did not heed My commandments and teaching, so I shall not heed your cries and lamentations. You did not serve Me: you did not feed Me when I was hungry, nor give Me drink when I was thirsty, nor clothe Me when I was naked.”
And He shall say:
“You were the servants and worshipers of the devil, for you fulfilled his will and received his glory, and you were filled with his pleasures on earth. I taught you through My Scriptures, but you did not listen. You mocked those who read them, you did not fast, and you did not give alms. Therefore, now I say unto you: I know you not. Depart from Me, ye cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”
Then they shall go away into everlasting torment.
Brethren, you have heard the reward of the righteous and the punishment of sinners. You have heard what answer they shall receive and what condemnation shall come upon the unmerciful—those who oppress orphans and wrong widows. There, no father shall be able to help his son, nor a son his father, nor a mother her daughter, nor a daughter her mother, nor a servant his master. Each shall receive according to his own deeds, and each shall give account for himself.
Therefore, let each of us strive for our own salvation and not be deceived by indulging our bodies.
Have you heard what glory shall be given to the merciful and the peacemakers, and to those who restrain their bodies from excess?
Let us, therefore, strive during this fast to purify our souls and bodies, maintaining peace and love among ourselves, so that we may reach the resurrection of Christ in virtue, glorifying the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.