What is an ideal Christian in today’s world, a follower of Christ? #
The surrounding world changes, but “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). God’s commandments, which people must follow, also remain unchanged. The values and virtues that we should strive for are constant. The methods for achieving virtues and fighting sin have been described once and for all. Human nature itself does not change; people today still have the same desires and feelings as those who lived thousands of years ago. Similarly, Satan, who tempts humanity, remains unchanged. The fallen spirit lacks creative power and cannot devise anything new beyond what has already been done. All methods of temptation have been tried before and are described in the writings of the Holy Fathers. Only the form of temptation changes over time. Different sins and passions take precedence in various historical periods, rotating as it were through the ages.
Today’s era is both similar to the past and unique in its own way. The primary task of a Christian today is to discern the old challenges in their new forms. To do this, one must unwaveringly climb the ladder of virtues, using the methods and practices described by the Holy Fathers, who tested them on themselves. It is essential to draw from the rich experience of Christ’s Church, especially in the discernment of spirits.
It is also crucial to understand that nothing in this fallen world is perfect. Only God is perfect. This should not lead to discouragement or despair. People often feel that their time is the hardest, the most sinful, and that everything was better before—the grass greener, the sun brighter, and so on. If we have been called to live in this historical period, we must accept it with humility and joy. The Christian’s mission in every era, including our own, is to strive to fulfill Christ’s commandments, seek the Kingdom of God, and avoid being consumed by worldly cares.
“…The church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
(1 Timothy 3:15)
Therefore, we should not conform to this world but instead aim to transform the world around us according to Christian values, starting with ourselves. We must preserve the treasure of faith passed down to us by our ancestors and strive to pass it on to our descendants, enriched with our own experiences. By living this way, we can become a guide and helper for future generations in their journey toward Christ.
— Priest Evgeny Gureev.