How can one choose a spouse to ensure a happy marriage? What should one look for in a young man or woman?

How can one choose a spouse to ensure a happy marriage? What should one look for in a young man or woman? #

Every young man and woman, especially those raised in Christian families, dreams of a strong, lifelong marriage and a loving spouse. How, then, can one find the person truly meant for them? Unfortunately, today, young people often seek a spouse independently, ignoring advice and frequently making choices driven by hormonal impulses. In past times, for thousands of years, it was parents who primarily took on the responsibility of selecting a spouse for their children. Parents naturally wish happiness for their beloved children, seeking to correct in their child’s life any mistakes they may have made themselves. No parent desires harm for their child. Thus, they approached the search for a spouse with great care, guided by their extensive life experience. While modern times have shifted this responsibility, it would still be highly beneficial to at least consider the advice of one’s parents. Parental blessing is also very important.

One of the most critical criteria in choosing a spouse is their faith. How devout is this person? How sincerely do they follow church teachings? If you meet someone outside the church, the question of faith must still be addressed as soon as possible, as it will influence your entire future life together. If the person you’ve chosen truly loves you, they will take your concerns about faith seriously.

It is also crucial to observe the parents of your prospective spouse and understand the family atmosphere in which they were raised. We often emulate our parents’ behaviors, sometimes without even realizing it.

Shared values and interests are vital for a successful marriage. How can you build a life with someone if you have nothing to talk about or if your tastes and preferences are entirely different?

It is advisable to observe how your potential spouse behaves in challenging situations. Can they make independent decisions, care for others, and not just focus on themselves? Do they act with integrity and decency?

No matter how carefully you choose, it is impossible to foresee everything or eliminate all risks. Often, we don’t even fully understand ourselves, let alone someone else. Moreover, people change over time. Therefore, prayer is essential when choosing a spouse. Ask God to send you the person who is truly meant for you, someone who will not only walk the path of life with you but also help you achieve salvation.

— Priest Evgeny Gureev.