Why did the Lord create hellish torments? Isn’t this unmerciful? The teaching about eternal torment is addressed to all believers, not just evildoers, yet most people do not commit grave sins. How does it apply to them? #
In His parable about the Last Judgment, the Lord Jesus Christ explains the purpose of hell. To those who failed to show mercy to “one of the least of His brethren,” the Lord will say:
“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to Me. Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”
(Matthew 25:45–46)
Hell and its torments were created for the devil and his angels. Therefore, wicked and sinful people who go to hell after death end up there not because God prepared this dreadful place for sinners, but because evil people unite themselves with the devil and his demons. By aligning themselves with the devil and demons, they share in their vices on earth and in the torments of hell, which were prepared for them by God.
The existence of hell and hellish torments reflects the fact that God, who created heaven and earth, is not only almighty and merciful but also righteous and intolerant of any injustice. If God were only merciful and loving, He would forgive everyone without exception. But God is not only merciful—He is also righteous. Thus, the Lord forgives all who repent and punishes all evildoers who refuse to repent of their sins and lawlessness. If God only punished sinners, He would not be merciful. If God only forgave, He would not be righteous. But God is both merciful and righteous, giving us, as sinners, the opportunity to repent of our sins, offering justification and relief to the wronged, and delivering retribution to the lawless for their sins and crimes.
Eternal torment is connected to eternal bliss, which is offered to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Whoever believes in Christ has eternal life and does not come into judgment. But whoever does not believe is already condemned. During earthly life, every person has a choice: to accept eternal life, light, and bliss, or eternal darkness and torment. Those who believe in Christ and strive to fulfill His will inherit the dwellings of paradise, while those who reject His gift end up in “outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Eternal torment is just for those who reject God and thus choose the devil. If eternal bliss were offered to everyone regardless of faith, life, or repentance, then God would be unjust and unrighteous. But God is righteous, punishing the wicked and rewarding the righteous.
We should not seek injustice or error in God’s decrees. Instead, we must humbly strive to please God, observe His commandments, repent of our sins, and trust in His mercy.
Priest Mikhail Rodin.