Reading 5

Reading 5. At that time, Jesus* #

The day following, he *willed to go into Galilee, and he found Philip. And he said unto him: “Follow me.” Now Philip was of Bethsaida, from the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said unto him, “We have found him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and the prophets—Jesus, the son of Joseph, who is from Nazareth.” And Nathanael said unto him, “Can anything good be from Nazareth?” Philip said unto him, “Come and see.” And Jesus, seeing Nathanael coming toward him, said concerning him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” Nathanael said unto him, “How dost thou know me?” Jesus answered and said unto him, “Before even Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.” Nathanael answered, and said unto him, “Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said unto him, “Because I said unto thee that I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? Greater things than these shalt thou see.” And he said unto him, “Verily, verily, I say unto you: Henceforth ye shall see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

Church Slavonic #

За?, є7. * Во u4трэи же восхотЁ * и3зhти въ галилeю, и3 nбрёте фили1ппа. и3 гlа є3мY, грzди2 по мнЁ. бB же фи ли1ппъ t виfсаи1ды, t~ града ґндрeoва и3 петр0ва. nбрёте фили1ппъ наfанaила, и3 гlа є3мY. є3г0 же писA моmсeй въ зак0нэ, и3 прbр0цы, nбрэт0хомъ ї©а, сн7а їo1сифова и4же t назарefа. И# гlа є3мY наfанaилъ. t назарefа м0жетъ ли что2 добро2 бhти; гlа є3мY фили1ппъ. пріиди2 и3 ви1ждь. Ви1дэвъ же ї©ъ наfанaила грzдyща къ себЁ, и3 гlа n нeмъ. се6 вои1стину ї}льтzнинъ, въ нeмъ же льсти2 нёсть. Гlа є3мY наfанaилъ. кaко м‰ знaеши; tвэщA ї©ъ, и3 речE є3мY. прeжде дaже не возгласи2 тебE фили1ппъ, сyща подъ смок0вницею ви1дэхъ т‰. tвэщA наfанaилъ, и3 гlа є3мY. рaвви. ты2 є3си2 сн7ъ б9іи, ты2 є3си2 цRь ї}левъ. tвэщA ї©ъ, и3 речE є3мY. занE рёхъ ти6, ћко ви1дэхъ т‰ подъ смок0вницею, вёруеши. б0лша си1хъ u4зриши. И# гlа є3мY. ґми1нь ґми1нь гlю вaмъ. tсeлэ u4зрите нб7о tвeрсто, и3 ѓнGлы б9іz восходsща, и3 низходsща надъ сн7а члчcкаго.