1st Kathisma. #
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man, that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the spoilers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law will he exercise himself day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of waters, that will bring forth his fruit in due season. His leaf also shall not fall away: and look whatsoever he doth, it shall prosper. Not so the ungodly, not so: rather are they like the dust which the wind scattereth away from the face of the earth. Therefore, the ungodly shall not rise in the judgment, neither the sinners in the counsel of the righteous. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, & the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Psalm 2
Why have the Heathen raged, and the people imagined vain things? The kings of the earth have stood up. And the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against his Christ. Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their yoke from us. He that dwelleth in the heavens shall scorn them, and the Lord shall revile them. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and confound them in his fury. But I am made of him a king; upon Sion his holy hill, to declare the decree of the Lord. The Lord hath said unto me: Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance, and the terms of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt shepherd them with a rod of iron, as a potter’s vessels shalt thou shatter them. And now, O ye kings, understand: be instructed, all ye that judge the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice before him with trembling. Take lore of chastising, lest the Lord be angry, and ye perish from the righteous way, when his wrath be suddenly kindled, blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
Psalm 3
O Lord, how are they multiplied that trouble me? Many there be that rise up against me. Many say of my soul: There is no salvation for him in his God. But thou, O Lord, art my defender, my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. I laid me down and slept; I arose, for the Lord shall defend me. I will not be afraid for the multitude of people, that have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God. For thou hast smitten all who without cause are mine enemies, thou hast broken the teeth of sinners. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord, and thy blessing is upon thy people.
Glory. Now and ever. Alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee O God. (Thrice with bows). Lord have mercy (thrice). Glory. Now and ever.
Psalm 4
When I called, thou didst hear me, O God of my righteousness; In distress thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy upon me, and hearken unto my prayer. O ye sons of men, how long will ye be heavy of heart; why do ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? Know that the Lord hath made marvelous his holy one; the Lord shall hear me when I cry unto him. Be ye angry, and sin not; for what ye speak in your hearts, show compunction upon your beds. Offer the sacrifice of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. Many say, who will shew us any good? The light of Thy countenance, O Lord, hath been signed upon us, thou hast put gladness in my heart. From the fruit of their wheat, wine, and oil, are they increased. In peace, together, will I lay me down and sleep. For thou Lord, alone hast made me dwell in hope.
Psalm 5
Ponder my words, O Lord: consider my cry. O hearken thou unto the voice of my prayer, my King, and my God. For unto thee will I pray, O Lord; in the morning thou shalt hear my voice. In the morning I will stand before thee, and thou shalt see me, for a God that willeth not iniquity, thou art. The wicked shall not come nigh thee, neither shall transgressors abide before thine eyes. Thou hatest all them that work iniquity; thou shalt destroy all them that speak leasing. The Lord abhorreth the man of blood and deceit. As for me, I will come into thine house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness; because of mine enemies make my way plain before thee. For there is no truth in their mouths: their hearts are vain. Their throat is an open sepulchre, they deceive with their tongues; judge them, O God. Let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their ungodliness; for they have rebelled against thee, O Lord. And let all them that put their trust in thee rejoice; they shall ever be gladdened, and thou shalt dwell in them. They that love thy name shall be joyful in thee. For thou shalt bless the righteous. O Lord, as with a shield of thy good pleasure hast thou crowned us.
Psalm 6
O Lord, rebuke me not in thine indignation: nether chasten me in thy wrath. Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak: O Lord heal me for my bones are troubled. My soul also is sore vexed, but thou, O Lord, how long? Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver my soul; save me for thy mercy’s sake. For in death is no remembrance of thee; and who will give thee thanks in the pit? I am wearied with my groaning; every night do I make my bed to swim, I water my couch with my tears. Mine eye is troubled for grief; it is waxed old because of all mine enemies. Away from me all ye that work iniquity, for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord hath heard my petition, the Lord will receive my prayer. Let all mine enemies be confounded & sore vexed; let them turn back and be put to shame suddenly.
Glory. Now and ever. Alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee O God. (Thrice with bows). Lord have mercy (thrice). Glory. Now and ever.
Psalm 7
O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust; save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me. Lest he snatch away my soul like a lion, while there is none to deliver nor to save. O Lord my God, if I have done this, if there be iniquity in my hands; if I have repaid them that repaid me evil, let me fall empty before mine enemies. Let mine enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it; and tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Arise, O Lord, in thy wrath, exalt thyself to the bounds of thine enemies. And stand up, O Lord my God, in the commandment which thou hast ordained, and a congregation of people shall compass thee about. And for that return thou on high. The Lord doth judge the people. Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine innocency that is upon me. Let the wickedness of sinners come to an end, and thou shalt make straight the righteous, O God who triest the hearts and reins. My righteous help cometh of God, who saveth them that are true of heart. God is a righteous judge, both strong and longsuffering, and bringeth not forth his wrath every day. If he turneth not, he shall sharpen his weapon; he shall bend his bow, and hath made it ready. And for him he hath prepared the instruments of death; his arrows he hath made burning. Behold, he travaileth with unrighteousness; he hath conceived pain, and brought forth iniquity. He hath graven and digged up a pit, and shall fall into that which he hath made. His travail shall return upon his own head, and his unrighteousness shall fall on his own pate. I will confess unto the Lord according to his righteousness, and I will sing unto the name of the Lord most high.
Psalm 8
O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is thy name in all the world. For thy majesty is lifted above the heavens. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thou perfected praise, because of thine enemies, for to still the enemy and the avenger. For I shall see the heavens, the works of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained. What is man, that thou art mindful of him, or the son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels; with glory and honor hast thou crowned him, and thou hast set him over the works of thy hands. All things hast thou subjected under his feet, all sheep and oxen, yea and the beasts of the field. The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, that pass through the paths of the sea. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is thy name in all the world.
Glory. Now and ever. Alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee O God. (Thrice with bows). Lord have mercy (thrice). Glory. Now and ever.
Church Slavonic #
Бlжeнъ мyжь, и4же нeйде на совётъ нечести1выхъ, и3 на пути2 грёшныхъ нестA, и3 на сэдaлищи губи1тель не сёде. Но в8 зак0нэ гDни в0лz є3гw2, и3 в8 зак0нэ є3гw2 поучи1тсz дeнь и3 н0щь. И# бyдетъ ћкw дрeво саждeно при и3сх0дищихъ в0дъ, є4же пл0дъ св0й дaстъ в0 времz своE. И# ли1стъ є3гw2 не tпадeтъ, и3 всS є3ли1ка ѓще твори1тъ, ўспёетъ. Не тaкw нечести1віи не тaкw, но ћкw прaхъ є3г0же воз8метaетъ вётръ t лицA земли2. Сегw2 рaди не воскrнутъ нечести1віи на сyдъ, ни грёшницы в8 совётъ прaведныхъ. Ћкw с8вёсть гDь пyть прaведныхъ, и3 пyть нечести1выхъ поги1бнетъ.
pl0мъ дв7довъ, в7.
Вскyю шатaшасz kзhцы, и3 лю1діе поучи1шасz тщeтнымъ. Пред8стaша цRіе зeмстіи. И# кнsзи собрaшасz в8кyпэ, нa гDа и3 на хrтA є3гw2. Раст0ргнемъ ќзы и4хъ, и3 tвeржемъ t нaсъ и4го и4хъ. Живhи нa нб7сэхъ посмэeтсz и4мъ, и3 гDь поругaетсz и4мъ. ТогдA воз8гlетъ к8 ни1мъ гнёвомъ свои1мъ, и3 ћростію своeю смути1тъ |. Ѓзъ же постaвленъ є4смь цRь t негw2. над8 сіHномъ гор0ю с™0ю є3гw2, воз8вэщaz повелёніе гDне. ГDь речE ко мнЁ, сн7ъ м0й є3си2 ты2, ѓзъ днeсь роди1хъ тS. Проси2 t менE, и3 дaмъ ти2 kзhки достоsніе твоE, и3 њдержaніе твоE концы2 земли2. Ўпасeши | пaлицею желёзною, ћкw сосyды скудeльнича сокруши1ши |. И# нhнэ цaріе разумёйте, накажи1тесz вси2 судsщіи земли2. Раб0тайте гDви с0 страхомъ, и3 рaдуйтесz є3мY съ трeпетомъ. Пріимёте наказaніе, да некогдA прогнёваетсz гDь, и3 поги1бнете t пути2 прaведнагw, є3гдA воз8гори1тсz в8ск0рэ ћрость є3гw2, бlжeни вси2 надёющіисz нaнь.
pl0мъ дв7довъ, G.
ГDи, чт0сz ўмн0жиша стужaющіи ми2; мн0зи востaютъ на мS. Мн0зи гlютъ дш7и моeй, нёсть спасeніz є3мY w4 бз7э є3гw2. Тh же гDи застyпникъ м0й є3си2, слaва моS, и3 воз8носS главY мою2. Глaсомъ мои1мъ к0 гDу воз8вaхъ, и3 ўслhша мS t горы2 с™hz своеS. Ѓзъ ўснyхъ и3 спaхъ востaхъ, ћкw гDь застyпитъ мS. Не ўбою1сz t тeмъ людeй, џкрестъ напaдающихъ на мS. воскrни2 гDи, спаси1 мz б9е м0й. Ћкw ты2 порази2 всS враждyющіz ми2 в8сyе, зyбы грёшникwмъ сокруши1лъ є3си2. ГDне є4сть спасeніе, и3 нa людехъ твои1хъ бlгословeніе твоE.
слaва, и3 нhнэ. Ґллилyіz ґллилyіz слaва тебЁ б9е, г•. ГDи поми1луй, G. слaва, и3 нн7э.\
pl0мъ дв7довъ, д7.
ВнегдA воз8вaхъ, ўслhша мz б9е прaвды моеS, въ ск0рби разпространи1лъ мz є3си2. Ўщeдри мS, и3 ўслhши мlтву мою2. Сhнове чlчестіи, док0лэ тzжкосeрдіи; в8скyю лю1бите сyетнаz, и3 и4щете лжи2; И# ўвёдите ћкw ўдиви2 гDь прпdбнаго своегw2, гDь ўслhшитъ мS внегдA в8зовY к8 немY. Гнёвайтесz, и3 не согрэшaйте, ћже гlете в8 с®цhхъ вaшихъ, на л0жихъ вaшихъ ўмили1тесz. Пожри1те жeртву прaвдэ, и3 ўповaйте нa гDа. мн0зи гlютъ, кто2 kви1тъ нaмъ бlгaz; Знaменасz на нaсъ свётъ лицA твоегw2 гDи, дaлъ є3си2 весeліе въ с®цы моeмъ. T плодA пшени1цы, винA, и3 є3лez своегw2 ўмн0жишасz. Въ ми1рэ в8кyпэ ўснY и3 почjю. Ћкw ты2 гDи є3ди1нагw на ўповaніе всели1лъ мS є3си2.\
pl0мъ дв7довъ, є7.
Гlы моS внуши2 гDи, разумёй звaніе моE. Воньми2 глaсъ мlтвы моеS, цRю м0й и3 б9е м0й. Ћкw к8 тебЁ помолю1сz гDи, заyтра ўслhши глaсъ м0й. Заyтра пред8стaну ти2 и3 ќзриши мS, ћкw бGъ не хотsи без8зак0ніе, ты2 є3си2. Не пріи1детъ к8 тебЁ лукaвнуzи, ни пребyдутъ же законопрестyпницы, пред8 nчи1ма твои1ма. Воз8ненави1дэлъ є3си2 всS творsщіz без8зак0ніе, погуби1ши всS гlющіz лжY. Мyжа кр0ви и3 льсти1ва гнушaетсz гDь. Ѓзъ же мн0жествомъ млcти твоеS, в8ни1ду в8 д0мъ тв0й, поклоню1сz къ цRкви с™ёй твоeй в8 стрaсэ твоeмъ. ГDи, настaви мz прaвдою твоeю, врaгъ мои1хъ рaди и3спрaви пред8 соб0ю пyть м0й. Ћкw нёсть во ўстёхъ и4хъ и4стины, с®це и4хъ сyетно. Гр0бъ tвeрстъ гортaнь и4хъ, kзhки свои1ми льщaху, суди2 и4мъ б9е. Да tпадyтъ t мhслей свои1хъ, по мн0жеству нечeстіz и4хъ и3зри1ни |, ћкw прогнёваша тS гDи. И# воз8веселsтсz вси2 ўповaющіи на тS, в0 вэки воз8рaдуютсz, и3 всели1шисz в8 ни1хъ. И# похвaлzтсz њ тебЁ лю1бzщіи и4мz твоE, ћкw ты2 бlгослови1ши прaведника. ГDи ћкw nрyжіемъ бlговолeніz вэнчaлъ є3си2 нaсъ.\
pl0мъ дв7довъ, ѕ7.
ГDи, да не ћростію твоею2 њбличи1ши менE, нижE гнёвомъ твои1мъ покaжеши менE. Поми1луй мz гDи, ћкw нeмощенъ є4смь. и3сцэли1 мz гDи, ћкw смути1шасz к0сти моS. И# дш7а моS смути1сz ѕэлw2, и3 ты2 гDи док0лэ; Њбрати2 гDи и3зми2 дш7у мою2, спаси1 мz рaди млcти твоеS. Ћкw нёсть в8 смeрти поминazи тебE, во ѓдэ же кто2 и3сповёстьтисz. Ўтруди1хсz воз8дыхaніемъ мои1мъ, и3з8мhю на всsку н0щь л0же моE, слезaми мои1ми постeлю мою2 њмочY. Смути1сz t ћрости џко моE, њбетшaхъ во всёхъ вразёхъ мои1хъ. Tступи1те t менE вси2 творsщіи без8зак0ніе, ћкw ўслhша гDь глaсъ плaча моегw2. Ўслhша гDь молeніе моE, гDь мlтву мою2 пріsтъ. Да постыдsтсz и3 смzтyтсz вси2 врази2 мои2, воз8вратsтсz и3 ўстыдsтсz ѕэлw2 в8ск0рэ.
слaва, и3 нhнэ. Ґллилyіz, г•. ГDи поми1луй, G. слaва, и3 нhнэ.\
pl0мъ дв7довъ, з7.
ГDи б9е м0й на тS ўповaхъ, спаси1 мz t всёхъ гонsщихъ мS, и3 и3збaви мS. Да некогдA похи1титъ ћкw лeвъ дш7у мою2, не сyщу и3збавлsющу нижE спасaющу. ГDи б9е м0й ѓще сотвори1хъ сE, ѓще є4сть не прaвда въ рукY моeю. Ѓще воз8дaхъ воз8даю1щимъ ми2 ѕлA, да tпадY ќбw t врaгъ мои1хъ т0щь. Да поженeтъ ќбw врaгъ дш7у мою2, и3 пости1гнетъ, и3 поперeтъ в8 земли2 жив0тъ м0й, и3 слaву мою2 в8 пeрсть всели1тъ. Воскrни2 гDи гнёвомъ твои1мъ, воз8неси1сz в8 концhхъ врaгъ твои1хъ. И# востaни гDи б9е м0й повелёніемъ и4мже заповёда, и3 с0нмъ людeй њбhдетъ тS. И# њ т0мъ на высотY њбрати1сz. гDь сyдитъ лю1демъ. Суди1 ми гDи по прaвдэ моeй, и3 по не ѕл0бэ моeй на мS. Да скончaетсz ѕл0ба грёшныхъ, и3 и3спрaвиши прaведнаго, и3спытazи с®ца и3 ўтр0бы б9е. Прaведна п0мощь моS t~ бGа, спасaющагw прaвыz с®цемъ. БGъ суди1тель прaведенъ, и3 крёпокъ, и3 долготерпэли1въ, и3 не гнёвъ наводS на всsкъ дeнь. Ѓще не њбратитeсz, nрyжіе своE њчи1ститъ, лyкъ св0й напрzжE, и3 ўгот0ва и5. И# в8 нeмъ ўгот0ва сосyды смeртныz, стрёлы своS с8 горsщими содёла. СE болЁ не прaвду, зачaтъ болёзнь, и3 роди2 без8зак0ніе. Р0въ и3зры2, и3 и3скопA и5, в8падeтсz въ ћму ю4же содёла. Њбрати1тсz болёзнь є3гw2 на главY є3гw2, и3 на вeрхъ є3гw2 не прaвда є3гw2 сни1детъ. И#сповёмсz гDви по прaвдэ є3гw2, и3 пою2 и4мени гDню вhшнему.\
pl0мъ дв7довъ, }.
ГDи гDь нaшъ, ћкw чyдно и4мz твоE по всeй земли2. Ћкw взsтсz велелёпота твоS превhше небeсъ. И#зо ќстъ мLнцъ и3 с8сyщихъ с8верши1лъ є3си2 хвалY, врaгъ твои1хъ рaди, разруши1ши врагA и3 мeстника. Ћкw ўзрю2 нб7сA, дёла пeрстъ твои1хъ, лунY и3 ѕвёзды, ћже ты2 њсновA. Что2 є4сть человёкъ ћкw п0мниши и5, и3ли2 сн7ъ чlчь, ћкw посэщaеши и5. Ўмaлилъ є3си2 є3гw2 мaлымъ чи1мъ t ѓнGлъ, слaвою и3 чeстію вэнчaлъ є3си2 є3гw2, и3 постaвилъ є3си2 є3гw2 над8 дёлы рyку твоeю. ВсS покори1лъ є3си2 под8 н0зэ є3гw2 nвцA и3 волы2 всS, є3щeже и3 ск0ты польскjz. Пти1цы нбcныz, рhбы морскjz, преходsщіz стезS морскjz. ГDи гDь нaшъ, ћкw чyдно и4мz твоE по всeй земли2.
слaва, и3 нhнэ. Ґллилyіz, г•. ГDи поми1луй, G. слaва, и3 нhнэ.